2017 Brewing Stats
I did a quick analysis on all the beers I brewed in 2017 and found it interesting so I thought I would share it here as well. In 2017 a brewed a total of seventeen 5 gallon batches of beer (85 gallons total). If I average all the beers I brewed together it would be a low alcohol (4.2% abv), pale colored (7.4 srm), moderately bitter (25 ibu) ale. It would also most likely be brewed with english yeast (liquid), be mostly marris otter with flaked maize and english crystal, use mostly english hops and fall under the 'bitter' category of the bjcp. Below are some additional summary stats including the min/max and standard deviation for all the beers I brewed in 2017. Not a lot of deviation from the mean. Out of the 17 beers I brewed this year I brewed 11 different styles in total with 'best bitter' being the most frequent of course. Imagine the horror, I didn't even brew a single IPA this year...gasp. I've obviously been trying to nail that style down w...